Garlic is known as the king of the herbs and is full of nutrients. Garlic can be given as a general supplement because of its wide-ranging action on the body as well as being a specific herbal remedy for coughs and upper respiratory conditions. Garlic is an antioxidant, expectorant, has anti-viral, antiseptic and antibiotic properties. Garlic can be used to reduce the level of parasites in dogs and is effective to repel fleas and worms. Garlic stimulates normal digestive processes and can be used for a wide range of skin conditions. Garlic can remove toxins from the body, supports the immune system to help increase resistance to infection, especially for the older pet.
At Healthful Pets we sell Garlic and Fenugreek by Dorwest which are both licensed herbal supplements, as well as garlic in liquid form for topical application. Garlic has also been added to other supplements for fleas and ticks, intestinal health and skin conditions.
Learn more about the benefits of garlic supplements and how safe garlic is for dogs on the Healthful Pets blog.