- Category
- Joints & Mobility 40
- Skin & Coat 58
- Eye & Ear 21
- Digestion & Gut Health 40
- Calming & Behaviour 35
- General Health, Wellbeing & Immunity 71
- Itching 52
- Flea, Tick & Intestinal Hygiene 23
- Urinary / Kidney Support 15
- Liver Support 24
- Heart Support 10
- First Aid 19
- Senior Cat 70
- Weight Management 6
- Conditioning & Recovery 35
- Cat Breeding & Kittens 7
- Cat Dental Care 19
- Homeopathic and Botanical Remedies 25
Health & Supplements
The Health of our pets is very important. There are now an increasingly number of supplements and healthcare options available to help support a variety of feline health conditions – ensuring our faithful friends can live long, happy and healthy lives.
It can be necessary to include appropriate functional nutrients based on specific health concerns – which may include giving extra support to help promote joint comfort in an older cat, to helping a nervous cat when travelling in the car.
We have carefully selected and sourced quality, natural cat supplements from the UK, Europe and America that will enhance not harm your pets’ health – our priority is supporting you to ‘optimise your pets’ health naturally’