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Too many of our pets have compromised health as a result of breeding genetics, processed food nutrition, toxic environments, prescription of chemical based medicines and excessive vaccinations.
Now, more than ever, our dogs need their pawrents to make the best choices for them to give them a well rounded, long lasting, healthy and happy life.
The Holistic Hound are dedicated to providing you with the means to do this, and take control of your own pet's health and wellbeing - mind, body & spirit.
Holistic Hound UK and Ireland have been producing 100% natural, herbal support products since its inception in 2005. It is run by certified Master Herbalists with a wealth of experience in veterinary herbalism and complementary health care and behaviour since 2002.
The Holistic Hound range of products were awarded the Excellence Award for Pet Healthcare Remedies 2020 and 2019 by the Irish Enterprise Awards.