be healthy
- January 03, 2025
Lots of us decide that January is the time to turn over a new leaf, eat better, exercise more and generally take better care of our well-being, so why not get your pets on board this year too?
Involving your pets in your efforts to keep fit can make it much more enjoyable and give you that extra motivation to get up and active! Our pets are also great at improving our mental well-being, boosting our mood and helping us to de-stress.
Getting Out and About
Running is a very popular way to keep fit with your pet. Dogs love a good run-around and taking them along will be sure to make the exercise much more enjoyable! If running is not your thing then why not try upping the pace on your dog walks? Power walking is a great way to keep fit without exerting the pressure onto your joints that comes with running. Covering that extra distance will also keep your dog in great shape too!
Whilst out walking or running in the winter be sure to be safe and be seen by using a beacon light on your dog's