Animals give us unconditional love. We can implement the following suggestions for a healthier lifestyle to return that love. See how you can improve pet's health through healthy pet foods:
- Ensure the first ingredients listed on pet foods are from high quality animal proteins and not from inferior quality grain based sources.
- Do select proteins from chicken, venison, fish, duck, and rabbit and rotate these to reduce the risk of food intolerances.
- Opt for products that specifically name the protein sources, such as lamb, duck rather than ‘poultry’ or ‘meat’.
- Look for foods containing fresh sources of fruit and vegetables.
- Aim for gluten free/wheat free grains including millet, quinoa, and gluten-free oats.
- Choose grain-free/gluten-free foods, especially if your pet shows signs of food intolerances / sensitivities, such as itchy skin and gastrointestinal problems. We stock a large range of all-natural dog treats. View the range HERE
- Do select dry foods with the least amount of ingredients on the bag.
- You may need to supplement home prepared diets with good quality animal appropriate vitamins, minerals and essential fats. Discuss this with your vet or animal Nutritionist.
- If feeding raw meat, freeze this first to eliminate parasites. (Never feed raw fish)
- Phytonutrients, (plant nutrients) from animal appropriate food supplements, or fresh fruit and vegetables, are a healthy addition to pet foods. Pulp any added vegetables thoroughly to break down the cellulose in the plant cells.
- Never heat your pet’s food in a microwave – serve their food at room temperature.
- Take great care when choosing dog toys and cat toys – choose BPA free products.
- Always use BPA free plastic, stainless steel, or ceramic water bowls.
- Reduce chemicals and toxins in your home – Avoid artificial air fresheners and smoking near your pet. Opt for non-toxic/natural based cleaning products.
- Provide fresh, good quality water at all times - preferably filtered to remove chlorine.
- Never give cooked/roasted bones.
- Never feed your dog sugar, chocolate, raw salmon, grapes, raisons, tomatoes, onions, xylitol, strawberries, peanuts, soy, citrus fruits.
- Avoid feeding high glycaemic carbohydrates from corn, sugar, wheat and white rice. (brown rice is fine)
If you choose to feed your dog or cat your own formulated raw food diet, rather than from a commercial source, then do seek the advice and support of an animal nutritionist or holistic veterinarian, to ensure your animal receives the proper balance of nutrients.
At Healthful Pets we have endeavored to choose where possible, foods, supplements, and treats which are low in chemical additives and feeding utensils and toys that are BPA free.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of this article or have any questions, then please contact us on: 01565 740 777 or [email protected]