Spring Time
- March 11, 2025
Have you considered Natural Flea Repellents for Dogs and Cats? Sourcing an effective and safe deterrent for your family pet is important for their overall comfort and for your peace-of-mind. Consider a natural and non-toxic option for cats and dogs...
One of the key factors in flea prevention is the overall health and immune system of your dog or cat to ensure fleas are kept to a minimum. However on occasions, even healthy dogs and cats may become hosts to fleas.
Fleas are highly productive and one female flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day, mostly in the environment; with a few laid on your pet which can fall off in your home. Their life cycle can be as long as several months and they can survive the winter months outdoors or indoors, even if the home is not kept particularly warm, to cause re-infestation in Spring and Summer. Consider Biospotix Indoor Flea Spray to help eliminate adult fleas and larvae from your pet's environment.
Natural methods of flea prevention can play a
- March 07, 2025
Some hints to help pets stay safe and well in Summertime
Following the miserable Winter we have had, it’s hard to remember that we do sometimes get hot summery weather in the UK, but we do and here are a few hints to help pets stay safe and well in Summertime.
- Check regularly for fleas and ticks on the skin, and look out for adders when walking in country areas.
- If you are leaving your pet at home for several hours, make sure there is a cool room or area available – leave a fan on if necessary, and also plenty of water.
- If you are leaving your pet outdoors for any length of time, ensure shade (and water) are available.
- Take a bottle of water and a drinking bowl with you if you are taking your dog out for long walks or on car journeys and offer water regularly.
- If you walk your dog regularly on pavements, check for sore pads in hot weather.
- Above all, don’t ever leave your dog in a car on a warm day, even if not in direct sunshine.
As the weather gets warmer there are several Diet’Dog
- March 04, 2025
Spring is in the air and with the days getting longer we are able to spend that much needed time outdoors with our pets. However for some of us spring means itching and we are not alone, dogs and cats can also suffer as a result of the increased pollen in the air at this time of year.
Although itching can strike at any time of year and can be caused by a number of things including food, cleaning chemicals and dust mites, spring is a time when pet allergies can be at their worst and these allergies tend to be caused by outdoor triggers such as grasses, tree shrub, pollens, farm crops such as cereals, oil seed rape, mould spores and ragweed.
Unlike humans whose allergy symptoms are usually respiratory, symptoms to watch out for in dogs and cats are most often skin-related including itchiness and irritation. Excessive licking can also be a sign there is some skin irritation.
The area's most common for itching include paws, ears and face. Pets may also try and rub themselves against carpets
- October 09, 2024
Hydration is vital in a wellness routine
While a wide variety of dog food brands and treats are available, hydration is a critical aspect of a dog's overall health that often doesn't receive enough emphasis. As you may know, water is the essence of life, and proper hydration is crucial for the overall well-being of our dogs.
Approximately 70% of a dog's body is made up of water, and it is essential for numerous bodily functions, such as digestion, circulation, temperature regulation, nutrient absorption, and waste elimination. What pet parents often overlook is the risk of dehydration and its impact. Dehydration in dogs isn't just about thirst—it can spiral into a myriad of troubles, from minor issues like a dull and dry coat, leading to undesirable shedding, to lethargy and more serious issues such as constipation, aggravating joint problems, urinary tract issues and in very severe cases, can result in organ failure. It is crucial to keep our pup hydrated to avoid these health hiccups.
- September 01, 2024
What is the difference between the KG Pet Spray and Cedarcide Original Spray?
They are very different products, the Cedarcide Original Spray is an oil (Cedarcide & Silica oil) whereas the KG Pet Spray is a fruit enzymes spray, made from mostly pineapple, papaya, or kiwi fruits fermented for 6 months it is not a pesticide poison.The KG spray can be used to help eliminate Mange (all types), Fleas, Ticks, Mites and Itchy Skin Problems. It can also be used to eliminate odours. It can be used as an air freshener and is effective on smoke, cooking, waste and other undesirable odours. The enzymes in the KG Spray act and cause the insect to moult (shed its outer coating) prematurely. It dissolves the insect's skin and it dies. It will not harm mammals as they regrow skin cells daily, so making it very gentle and safe for owners.
The Cedarcide Original is ideal for pest control, which include moths, fleas, ticks, ants, and other insects. It dehydrates, disrupts pheromones, suffocates and
- April 17, 2024
Your dog has itchy, sore paws? So what can you do? At Healthful Pets we have a range of natural products to help soothe your dog's itchy paws. Here are some suggestions:-
Itchy paws may be related to a number of factors including diet, allergies, stress as well as factors. Ideally you need to understand the root cause of the itching, such as allergies, otherwise these symptoms may continue. However below are some suggestions which may to help soothe itchy paws.
Wildwash Pro Magic Paw Balm:
WildWash Magic Paw Balm for dogs contains only human grade ingredients of Sweet Almond Oil, Frankincense and Kanuka which is a super conditioning paw treatment for your dogs’ cracked, dry and rough paws and help form a barrier to protect them from everyday wear and tear.
This paw balm can also be used on:
- Minor cuts and grazes
- dry itchy spots
- to moisturise nails and dry noses
- condition calloused elbows and dry patches
Take a look here
Diet'Dog Skin Relief Spray:
A natural, steroid free spray designed
- April 15, 2024
Best-Selling Holistic Pet Care Supplements by Proflax
Dive into a world of holistic pet care with Proflax's comprehensive range of supplements. From powders like Tummy Tastic and Bottoms Up, to oils including Omega Vital and Puppy Power, treats like Superchews, and tinctures such as Keep Off Me Pure – we've got everything for Bone & Joint, Calming, Skin & Coat, and more. Elevate your pet's well-being with our vet-approved, natural solutions.
- February 29, 2024
Whatever the true reasons for and nature of climate change, it seems we need to get used to the concept of warmer summers and milder winters. One severe consequence of this will be an increase of parasites such as fleas and ticks. They will breed for longer periods and more will survive over winter. Not a happy prospect for dogs and cats!
Over the years in my veterinary practice I have found that some pets seem very prone to picking up parasites, whilst others rarely have any 'visitors'. I have come to the conclusion that healthy adult dogs and cats with good immune systems who are fed a healthy diet are much less likely to suffer from fleas and ticks. To help ensure pets stay free from parasites, keep them healthy by paying attention to:
Diet: Avoid processed food and if possible, feed a diet mainly consisting of fresh food. As dogs and cats are carnivores this should preferably contain raw meat and bones. Otherwise give a good quality, high protein, low carbohydrate, grain free proprietary
- February 29, 2024
Allergies in dogs and cats are common with an array of symptoms; so what causes these symptoms and what changes could you make?
Allergies in dogs and cats are an abnormally intense / overreaction of the immune system to something that is normally harmless to the body, known as an allergen. Your pet may be born with sensitivities or for other pets, allergies are acquired over several years of continual exposure to the allergen.
Your pet, each day will also come across hundreds of harmless substances or particles, which are all part of the normal environment and which are not harmful. Under normal circumstances your pet’s immune system will recognise these and not see them as unwelcome invaders. However, in pets with allergies, the pet’s immune system will believe these common day-to-day substances as invaders that it must get rid of and therefore will mount an immune response. As the pet’s body tries to fight the “invaders” reactions in the form of allergy symptoms will appear.
So what
- February 29, 2024
Help Make Your Dog More Comfortable
Canine atopic allergies are becoming increasingly common. They are especially prevalent in younger dogs, but unfortunately can develop into a life-long chronic condition. This is because canine atopic allergies are often caused by environmental and seasonal allergen.
As a result, many dogs are constantly surrounded by the allergens that trigger their symptoms. These include dust mites, pollen, trees, flea bites, mould, grass and chemical cleaning products.
These allergens can all cause skin symptoms (allergic skin disease or atopic dermatitis), ranging from mild irritation to unbearable itching. Moreover, the dog’s attempts to alleviate the itching by licking and scratching often makes things worse. It can lead to severe rashes, sores, redness, flaky skin, loss of fur – and even infected wounds.
Although treatments such as antihistamines, antibiotics and antifungals are available, these help alleviate symptoms rather than tackle the root cause. As a