Seasonal Itching
- June 04, 2024
Ear infections are becoming a common problem for dogs, which can cause discomfort, physical pain and emotional distress. While there are various causes of ear infections in dogs, allergies appear to be a major contributory factor. In this blog, we'll explore the causes, symptoms, and solutions for ear infections, with a specific focus on allergies. We'll also discuss how Proflax supplements can help manage and prevent these infections.
General Causes
Allergies/Yeast: Food or environmental allergies can cause inflammation in the inner, middle or outer section of the ear, creating an ideal environment for infections.Bacteria: Primarily from swimming, especially in lakes or rivers that are not free-flowing and which may
- April 17, 2024
Your dog has itchy, sore paws? So what can you do? At Healthful Pets we have a range of natural products to help soothe your dog's itchy paws. Here are some suggestions:-
Itchy paws may be related to a number of factors including diet, allergies, stress as well as factors. Ideally you need to understand the root cause of the itching, such as allergies, otherwise these symptoms may continue. However below are some suggestions which may to help soothe itchy paws.
Wildwash Pro Magic Paw Balm:
WildWash Magic Paw Balm for dogs contains only human grade ingredients of Sweet Almond Oil, Frankincense and Kanuka which is a super conditioning
- April 07, 2024
Dogs can experience itchy skin for a variety of reasons, ranging from environmental factors to health-related issues. Some of the common causes include:
1. Allergies: Dogs can be allergic to a variety of substances, including pollen, dust mites, mold, and have sensitivities to certain foods. These allergies can cause skin irritation and itching.
2. Flea Allergy: Flea allergy dermatitis, caused by an allergic reaction to flea bites, is particularly notorious for causing intense itching.
3. Bacteria and Yeast: An imbalance of the bacteria and yeast in the skin microbiome or in the gut can lead to itchy skin in dogs.
4. Dry Skin: Dry skin, which can be due to environmental - April 04, 2024
Discover the transformative power of our Provilan probiotic cleaning and topical pet care products.
These nurturing sprays, liquids, and lotions are infused with healthy ‘good’ bacteria (probiotics) to bring microbial balance back into your life.
A balanced microbiome (the community of microorganisms found on any surface, including skin) supports better hygiene, immunity and well-being. It’s the hidden secret to a healthier lifestyle – for you and your pets.
Plant-sourced, vegan, safe for indoor air, aquatic life and sensitive skin!
Start your healthier, more sustainable lifestyle with Provilan probiotics today.
- April 03, 2024
Are the LUCAA products suitable for me, as a cat? Yes! All the products are suitable for cats as well as dogs and other pets.
I don’t like sprays as they make me jump. How can I use the Dental, Eye & Ear Care? Spray the probiotics onto a clean cloth, lint-free cotton pad or gauze wrapped around a finger. Gently apply to the teeth and gums, around the eyes or inside your ear. A toothbrush or pipette can be used for the Dental Care if preferred.
Which products would stop my skin feeling so itchy and scratchy? The first step is to work out what is causing the itch in the first place. (Check it isn’t fleas!) Is there something in the environment that the cat is reacting to? Cats can be very sensitive to cleaning chemicals and can cause a reaction if they get onto skin and paws.Offering Pet safe cleaning products, especially floor cleaner reduces the cats chemical exposure.
The best product to reduce itching
- March 05, 2024
Boil and Broth are a British bone broth manufacturer and producer of fermented drinks including water kefir juice and apple cider vinegar. Bone Broth is a fantasic way to incorporate a variey of rich nutrients to your dogs diet to help improve their over all health. In this blog, we'll explore the many advantages of bone broth for dogs and why it's become a popular addition to their diets.
Rachel Down founded Boil and Broth back in 2018 and they are the only UK Bone Broth Manufacturer to hold a dual license to sell Bone Broth for both human and pet consumption. Rachel started the business from one slow cooker in her house making bone broth and kefir water for friends
- February 29, 2024
Spring is in the air and with the days getting longer we are able to spend that much needed time outdoors with our pets. However for some of us spring means itching and we are not alone, dogs and cats can also suffer as a result of the increased pollen in the air at this time of year.
Although itching can strike at any time of year and can be caused by a number of things including food, cleaning chemicals and dust mites, spring is a time when pet allergies can be at their worst and these allergies tend to be caused by outdoor triggers such as grasses, tree shrub, pollens, farm crops such as cereals, oil seed rape, mould spores and ragweed.
Unlike humans whose allergy symptoms are usually respiratory, symptoms to watch out for in dogs and cats are most often skin-related including itchiness
- February 29, 2024
Some hints to help pets stay safe and well in Summertime
Following the miserable Winter we have had, it’s hard to remember that we do sometimes get hot summery weather in the UK, but we do and here are a few hints to help pets stay safe and well in Summertime.
- Check regularly for fleas and ticks on the skin, and look out for adders when walking in country areas.
- If you are leaving your pet at home for several hours, make sure there is a cool room or area available – leave a fan on if necessary, and also plenty of water.
- If you are leaving
- February 29, 2024
Allergies in dogs and cats are common with an array of symptoms; so what causes these symptoms and what changes could you make?
Allergies in dogs and cats are an abnormally intense / overreaction of the immune system to something that is normally harmless to the body, known as an allergen. Your pet may be born with sensitivities or for other pets, allergies are acquired over several years of continual exposure to the allergen.
Your pet, each day will also come across hundreds of harmless substances or particles, which are all part of the normal environment and which are not harmful. Under normal circumstances your pet’s immune system will recognise these and not see them as unwelcome invaders. However,
- February 29, 2024
Help Make Your Dog More Comfortable
Canine atopic allergies are becoming increasingly common. They are especially prevalent in younger dogs, but unfortunately can develop into a life-long chronic condition. This is because canine atopic allergies are often caused by environmental and seasonal allergen.
As a result, many dogs are constantly surrounded by the allergens that trigger their symptoms. These include dust mites, pollen, trees, flea bites, mould, grass and chemical cleaning products.