- April 04, 2024
Discover the transformative power of our Provilan probiotic cleaning and topical pet care products.
These nurturing sprays, liquids, and lotions are infused with healthy ‘good’ bacteria (probiotics) to bring microbial balance back into your life.
A balanced microbiome (the community of microorganisms found on any surface, including skin) supports better hygiene, immunity and well-being. It’s the hidden secret to a healthier lifestyle – for you and your pets.
Plant-sourced, vegan, safe for indoor air, aquatic life and sensitive skin!
Start your healthier, more sustainable lifestyle with Provilan probiotics today.
- April 03, 2024
Are the LUCAA products suitable for me, as a cat? Yes! All the products are suitable for cats as well as dogs and other pets.
I don’t like sprays as they make me jump. How can I use the Dental, Eye & Ear Care? Spray the probiotics onto a clean cloth, lint-free cotton pad or gauze wrapped around a finger. Gently apply to the teeth and gums, around the eyes or inside your ear. A toothbrush or pipette can be used for the Dental Care if preferred.
Which products would stop my skin feeling so itchy and scratchy? The first step is to work out what is causing the itch in the first place. (Check it isn’t fleas!) Is there something in the environment that the cat is reacting to? Cats can be very sensitive to cleaning chemicals and can cause a reaction if they get onto skin and paws.Offering Pet safe cleaning products, especially floor cleaner reduces the cats chemical exposure.
The best product to reduce itching is LUCAA+ Allergen-Free spray. Spray directly onto the itchy skin, including exposed
- February 29, 2024
Help Make Your Dog More Comfortable
Canine atopic allergies are becoming increasingly common. They are especially prevalent in younger dogs, but unfortunately can develop into a life-long chronic condition. This is because canine atopic allergies are often caused by environmental and seasonal allergen.
As a result, many dogs are constantly surrounded by the allergens that trigger their symptoms. These include dust mites, pollen, trees, flea bites, mould, grass and chemical cleaning products.
These allergens can all cause skin symptoms (allergic skin disease or atopic dermatitis), ranging from mild irritation to unbearable itching. Moreover, the dog’s attempts to alleviate the itching by licking and scratching often makes things worse. It can lead to severe rashes, sores, redness, flaky skin, loss of fur – and even infected wounds.
Although treatments such as antihistamines, antibiotics and antifungals are available, these help alleviate symptoms rather than tackle the root cause. As a
- February 29, 2024
Itchy Dog - A Case Study LUCAA+ Pet Allergy-Free Spray
Constant Itching and Scratching is a concern for many dog owners. There are many possible causes – from seasonal and environmental allergies, to flea bites and sensitivity to chemical shampoo. It makes life miserable for your beloved pet – and for you!
This news post shows how Provilan ‘itchy dog spray’ (better known as LUCAA+ Probiotic Pet Allergen-Free Spray) significantly improved Molly’s itchy, red and flaky skin in a natural way.
“I’m just so pleased about the results and keen to share – having an ‘itchy’ dog can feel like you’re fighting an endless battle; quite often what you might think will help can actually make things so much worse!” LISA MORTIMORE
Molly the rescue dog was really suffering from red, sore patches of dry itchy skin and a rash on her back and around her tail. Her hair was thinning and she was constantly itching and scratching.
Lisa, Molly’s owner, believed the symptoms were caused by an