Anxiety & Behaviour
- November 18, 2024
What is enrichment for dogs?
Enrichment can be defined as the 'act of improving or enhancing the quality or value of something'. For your dog, enrichment often means thinking outside of the box to provide them with stimulating activities that engage their mind, body and senses.
Most enrichment activities challenge dogs to think and problem-solve at varying levels of difficulty, depending on your individual dog. Super-smart dog breeds can be sometimes be harder to satisfy with standard enrichment activities, but luckily there are plenty of options out there for your intelligent pooch!
Equally, not every enrichment activity is going to suit every dog. While some dogs are
- September 03, 2024
Fireworks can be a source of fear for many animals with their loud bangs and flashes. Here are some tips to help your pets stay calm this Bonfire Night.
It's estimated that 45% of dogs in the UK show signs of fear when they hear fireworks. It doesn’t have to be that way though - so don’t ignore the problem. There are many things you can do to help your pet deal with fireworks and by preparing in advance, your pet will be better able to cope with those noises.
- Keep your cats and dogs indoors. If your cat is normally out during the day and doesn’t return until dusk, consider whether you should keep them in all day, to avoid them being frightened by early fireworks.
- Make sure if you have a cat flap this closed to stop your pets escaping
- Walk your dog mid-afternoon or at dusk before there is any chance of fireworks starting.
- Bring your pet’s feeding time forward by around an hour to settle them earlier than usual, without hugely interrupting the normal routine. Pets may also be
- July 18, 2024
With summer here and holidays planned with their pets, all too often motion sickness can make, even a short trip, stressful for both your pet and you. Find out what you can do to help.
What are the typical signs of travel sickness?
Some typical signs of dog travel sickness include; restlessness, panting, whining, excessive drooling, yawning, vomiting and listlessness. Generally dogs will outgrow motion sickness but some dogs won’t and may need assistance to make their journey less distressing.
Dog Travel Sickness - How to Stay Calm when Travelling
For those dogs and cats who find it is the motion of the car which upsets their tummies even though they are not anxious, Dorwest - Digestive supplement is ideal if given two hours before travelling to settle and soothe the stomach. This supplement, for dogs and cats, contains ginger and valerian to calm the digestive tract, rhubarb and peppermint to aid digestion and soothing and comforting slippery elm.
Travel Anxiety
Often a common cause - January 04, 2024
With Fireworks night upon us, let's focus on two products to help relieve pet anxiety - Dorwest Scullcap & Valerian Tablets and Dorwest Valerian Compound
Anxiety and nervous behaviour in dogs and cats can encompass an array of conditions with many varied causes that may need different actions.
Herbal products are ideal to induce calm and relaxed demeanour, but some cases will also benefit from the use of behavioural techniques from a qualified animal behaviourist.
Specific situations can cause anxiety – such as thunderstorms, fireworks, travelling, meeting strangers, going into kennels, visits to the vets or just a new experience or an unfamiliar place. Often the problem is not really nervousness but fear or apprehension of what is expected when a new situation arises. This is often the case with young dogs but correct training and appropriate support will help them overcome this as they mature.
On-going or habitual anxiety or nervousness may have various causes and a range of techniques
- January 04, 2024
Sometimes it is not just us humans that can suffer from a case of the back to work blues. After all of the hustle and bustle of the festive period January can be a tough time for our pets, particularly for those who do not like to be left alone
From personal experience with my Cockapoo (also known as velcro dogs as they stick to you like glue!) I know that separation anxiety can be very tricky to deal with, especially if you work long hours and need to be able to leave your pet on their own from time to time. The whining, crying and howling can be very distressing, both for pet and owner! Not to mention the destructive behaviour some dogs can exert when left on their own.
We have put together our best hints and tips as well as some of our calming products which can help your pets deal with separation anxiety when you go back to work this January.
Tips on How to Deal with Separation Anxiety:
- Interactive toys or treat dispensers can be a great way to keep your pet entertained whilst you
- February 04, 2022
Proflax are a number 1 award winning, vet approved, UK herbal supplement brand. Their two oil based ranges consist of salmon oil or flaxseed oil, both of which are human food grade and expertly formulated with active herbal blends to provide optimal support for the individual needs of dogs and cats. Lets look into these oils in more detail.
Understanding Oils and Essential Fatty Acids
Proflax's innovative approach lies in the unique formulation of their supplements - so using oils and herbs mixed together - with the main focus being on essential fatty acids (EFAs) from the oils. The primary difference between the fish oil and flaxseed oil lies in the types of EFAs they contain.
The fish oil used in Proflax's Omega range is rich in two EFA’s: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in supporting cardiovascular and brain health, promoting a shiny coat, and boosting the immune system. Fish oils are suitable for both dogs and
- July 22, 2021
The Coronavirus pandemic has had a massive impact on daily life for everyone around the world, with many people spending more time at home. Dogs like us are very social creatures, but as children return to school and parents start returning to work after this extended period at home, there is a concern that some dogs are showing signs of separation anxiety. So here are some tips to help you.
So what is Separation Anxiety?
Separation anxiety is the stress felt when an animal is away from its owner. In the wild dogs are part of a pack and relish company. It is a complex problem and separation anxiety can vary greatly in its severity.
After spending 24 hours a day with your pet for months, leaving the house for long periods of time may cause distress and separation anxiety if introduced too quickly. This may have a huge impact on their daily life and should not be underestimated. Of course, all dogs are different and whilst some may easily revert to their old routines, for others, who
- December 22, 2020
A look at everything there is to know about catnip and how our wide array of catnip products could be a great fit for your cat.
Many cats absolutely adore catnip! Just a few whiffs of this unassuming plant and they’ll be rolling about in contentment for the next few minutes. But how does it actually work? And why does it cause such a strong reaction in some cats but not others? In this blog, we’re going to answer all these questions and more. There’s also some exciting secret benefits of catnip that you may not be aware of, which can benefit their health, mood, and more! So, let’s take a look at everything there is to know about catnip and how our wide array of catnip products could be a great fit for your cat.
What is Catnip and Why Does it Cause a Reaction?
Catnip, or as it’s formally known, Nepeta cataria, is a plant that’s a member of the mint family, which thrives in the North American climate. It’s a rather pretty plant, with light green foliage and tall, lavender flowers.
- August 02, 2018
We all know how important physical exercise is for keeping our dogs fit and healthy. But as experts agree, a combination of both physical and mental stimulation is key to a happy, healthy dog.
Many owners today still believe they must physically wear out their dog to get any peace at home. When in fact you’ll burn excess energy more effectively with mental workouts. If your dog uses their brain for just 5 minutes, they’ll actually feel more tired than after a 20-minute walk around the block.
Keeping your dog’s brain active will significantly improve their general well-being and alleviate common behaviour problems. Mental exercise has multiple benefits for both us and our dogs. Here are the top five reasons for introducing mental stimulation into your dog’s routine.
Prolongs brain health
Unfortunately as our dogs grow older, not only do their bodies deteriorate, their minds do too. Older dogs can develop cognitive dysfunction where their brain slows down and they suffer memory loss – essentially
- June 11, 2018
Does your dog wolf down their food like there’s no tomorrow? Maybe they act as if they haven’t seen food in days and perhaps never will again! We have some solutions..
Most dogs are instinctively motivated by food, but sometimes a dog’s desire to consume their food as quickly as possible is something they learn from puppyhood...
In a litter there is an element of competition, and puppies sometimes learn you must eat quickly to avoid being left hungry. But when this behaviour carries through to adulthood, fast eaters can experience problems such as gagging, vomiting, gas or bloat.
If your dog devours their food in a few seconds and frequently vomits or experiences other side effects, you’re likely feeling a little concerned. But there are ways you can slow down your dog’s eating. Read our top tips to put the brakes on your speedy eater.
Make a towel roll
Place a towel flat on the floor and cover the area with your dog’s regular food. Then start rolling the towel up from the shortest end