- March 28, 2025
Taking your dog for a walk on a glorious summer day is an absolute joy. But when rainy weather rolls around, those daily strolls can feel more like a chore. While it might be tempting to stay cozy inside, there are ways to make rainy dog walks something you can both enjoy.
For many dog owners, wet weather is one of the biggest downsides of having a dog. Some pups are happy to wait out the rain indoors, while others can’t resist splashing through puddles and dragging you out into the cold, whether you’re ready or not!
The good news? With a few simple adjustments, you can embrace the rain and make the most of your time outdoors. Here’s how:
1. Prepare Your Home for the Aftermath
A little preparation before you head out can save time and stress when you return. Lay out towels, a bath mat, and even a dog drying coat near the door to minimize muddy paw prints and soggy fur around your home. If your dog tends to get particularly messy, consider running a bath beforehand for a quick rinse
- March 11, 2025
Have you considered Natural Flea Repellents for Dogs and Cats? Sourcing an effective and safe deterrent for your family pet is important for their overall comfort and for your peace-of-mind. Consider a natural and non-toxic option for cats and dogs...
One of the key factors in flea prevention is the overall health and immune system of your dog or cat to ensure fleas are kept to a minimum. However on occasions, even healthy dogs and cats may become hosts to fleas.
Fleas are highly productive and one female flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day, mostly in the environment; with a few laid on your pet which can fall off in your home. Their life cycle can be as long as several months and they can survive the winter months outdoors or indoors, even if the home is not kept particularly warm, to cause re-infestation in Spring and Summer. Consider Biospotix Indoor Flea Spray to help eliminate adult fleas and larvae from your pet's environment.
Natural methods of flea prevention can play a
- March 07, 2025
Some hints to help pets stay safe and well in Summertime
Following the miserable Winter we have had, it’s hard to remember that we do sometimes get hot summery weather in the UK, but we do and here are a few hints to help pets stay safe and well in Summertime.
- Check regularly for fleas and ticks on the skin, and look out for adders when walking in country areas.
- If you are leaving your pet at home for several hours, make sure there is a cool room or area available – leave a fan on if necessary, and also plenty of water.
- If you are leaving your pet outdoors for any length of time, ensure shade (and water) are available.
- Take a bottle of water and a drinking bowl with you if you are taking your dog out for long walks or on car journeys and offer water regularly.
- If you walk your dog regularly on pavements, check for sore pads in hot weather.
- Above all, don’t ever leave your dog in a car on a warm day, even if not in direct sunshine.
As the weather gets warmer there are several Diet’Dog
- March 04, 2025
Spring is in the air and with the days getting longer we are able to spend that much needed time outdoors with our pets. However for some of us spring means itching and we are not alone, dogs and cats can also suffer as a result of the increased pollen in the air at this time of year.
Although itching can strike at any time of year and can be caused by a number of things including food, cleaning chemicals and dust mites, spring is a time when pet allergies can be at their worst and these allergies tend to be caused by outdoor triggers such as grasses, tree shrub, pollens, farm crops such as cereals, oil seed rape, mould spores and ragweed.
Unlike humans whose allergy symptoms are usually respiratory, symptoms to watch out for in dogs and cats are most often skin-related including itchiness and irritation. Excessive licking can also be a sign there is some skin irritation.
The area's most common for itching include paws, ears and face. Pets may also try and rub themselves against carpets
- January 15, 2025
Calendula possesses anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and is probably best known for its soothing and healing properties on all types of minor wounds - cuts, scrapes and abrasions and skin irritations. Read more about the many benefits of calendula for dogs....
Calendula officinalis to give it is Latin name is a safe and gentle plant with many uses. The word "officinalis" is often the second part of a plant's botanical name and us used to describe plants and herbs that are used in herbalism.
It is hard to look at a calendula flower without it lifting your spirits, with its beautiful rich orange and yellow coloured flowers and long elegant petals. Calendula is a valuable plant to include in the herb garden as well as giving a welcome splash of colour. It is a member of the sunflower family and is also known as pot marigold. Not only is this plant very pretty but it comes with many uses forming part of many first aid kits. Calendula is traditionally used for skin
- January 14, 2025
If you're worried about global plastic waste, you're not alone. Around 400 million tonnes of the stuff is produced every year, with an estimated 50% of this being single-use plastic. But what can we do to reduce our individual plastic footprint as pet owners? The answer's simpler than you might think...
Poo bags are an unavoidable part of life for dog owners. With around 13 million dogs in UK homes, the daily tally of waste bags used across the country is staggering. Unfortunately, the journey of these bags doesn’t end when we throw them in the bin. Instead, many of them go on to contribute to one of the planet's biggest challenges — plastic pollution.
The problem with traditional plastic poo bags lies in how they break down. These bags, often made from petroleum-based plastics, don’t decompose naturally. Instead, they can take hundreds of years to degrade in landfill, all the while breaking into smaller pieces known as microplastics. These tiny particles contaminate soil and waterways,
- January 06, 2025
You want to reduce your dog's exposure to "toxic goo" dog shampoo but you want to know what to expect when switching to a true organic dog shampoo. 4-Legger has helped thousands of pet parents through this transition so we can help set your expectations and offer a few tips!
Quality in - Quality Out
It is important to keep in mind that the health of your dog's skin and coat is affected by the food and treats you feed them. If you are feeding your dog high quality food, the transition will be less noticeable than if you are feeding lower quality food.
Concentrated but thinner consistency
Traditional synthetic thickeners in pet grooming products can't be used in certified organic dog shampoo as they are on the restricted list. These synthetic thickeners can have links to allergies, dry and itchy skin, hormone disruption and organ toxicity, and despite claims otherwise; they are not natural.
As a result, most organic dog shampoo is fairly thin but concentrated (meaning a little goes
- January 03, 2025
Lots of us decide that January is the time to turn over a new leaf, eat better, exercise more and generally take better care of our well-being, so why not get your pets on board this year too?
Involving your pets in your efforts to keep fit can make it much more enjoyable and give you that extra motivation to get up and active! Our pets are also great at improving our mental well-being, boosting our mood and helping us to de-stress.
Getting Out and About
Running is a very popular way to keep fit with your pet. Dogs love a good run-around and taking them along will be sure to make the exercise much more enjoyable! If running is not your thing then why not try upping the pace on your dog walks? Power walking is a great way to keep fit without exerting the pressure onto your joints that comes with running. Covering that extra distance will also keep your dog in great shape too!
Whilst out walking or running in the winter be sure to be safe and be seen by using a beacon light on your dog's
- December 11, 2024
Chocolate may be a treat for us, but for dogs, it’s a serious health risk. Even small amounts can cause severe problems, and as pet owners, it’s essential to understand why chocolate is so harmful and how to keep our dogs safe.
Why Is Chocolate Harmful to Dogs?
Chocolate contains two chemical compounds that are toxic to dogs: theobromine and caffeine. While humans can process these substances quickly, dogs metabolize them much more slowly. This allows the toxins to build up in their system, potentially reaching dangerous levels.
Does the type of chocolate matter?
Yes, theobromine levels vary depending on the cocoa percentage in the chocolate. The darker the chocolate is, the more toxic it will be to your dog, due to the higher levels of theobromine in it.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate and cocoa powder contain the highest concentrations of theobromine, making them the most dangerous. Dogs only need to consume a tiny amount of dark chocolate to risk severe illness. Seek urgent vet help
- December 06, 2024
Are you thinking about adding a very special four-legged friend to your family? If you've already taken the leap and welcomed a new pup into your life – congratulations! They bring so much joy, but we know that with all those cuddles comes a little bit of responsibility too. To help you get your pup off to the best start, we’ve put together a few tips on what they need nutritionally, emotionally, and for training.
Nutritional Support: Helping Your Puppy Grow Strong
At Proflax, they feel that supplementation is important for your puppy because they are growing at such a rapid rate. Throughout the first 12-18 months, they need extra nutritional, physical and emotional support to really thrive.
Why Supplement a Puppy's Diet? - Adopting a pro-active approach
- Puppies grow at a rapid rate - skin, bones, nervous, digestive and circulatory systems. Supporting these systems through the growth period is critical to avoid injury, strain or damage
- Specific breeds definitely need additional support