Monthly Archives: July 2024
- July 19, 2024
Summer is finally upon us and with a heatwave this week, here are some helpful tips on how you can help your dog keep cool and safe in the coming months.
Dogs cool themselves through their tongues (panting) and the pads of their feet, so heat can build up quickly. Dogs don't sweat like we do and as a result they can overheat much more quickly. So if your dog is panting, their tongue is hanging out, drooling excessively or looking lethargic then these are signs of an overheated dog and signs of dehydration. Don’t forget, if the ground is warm, then dogs cannot cool down through their feet and dogs with darker coats will also absorb more heat than lighter coats. Hairy dogs, short nosed dogs and young and old dogs are more vulnerable to heat.
Dogs can succumb to heat stroke without shade, ventilation and water as well as after vigorous exercise or over excitement. So here are some factors to consider during the hot weather......Prevention is better than cure, so stay cool.
Avoid Car Travel
- July 18, 2024
With summer here and holidays planned with their pets, all too often motion sickness can make, even a short trip, stressful for both your pet and you. Find out what you can do to help.
What are the typical signs of travel sickness?
Some typical signs of dog travel sickness include; restlessness, panting, whining, excessive drooling, yawning, vomiting and listlessness. Generally dogs will outgrow motion sickness but some dogs won’t and may need assistance to make their journey less distressing.
Dog Travel Sickness - How to Stay Calm when Travelling
For those dogs and cats who find it is the motion of the car which upsets their tummies even though they are not anxious, Dorwest - Digestive supplement is ideal if given two hours before travelling to settle and soothe the stomach. This supplement, for dogs and cats, contains ginger and valerian to calm the digestive tract, rhubarb and peppermint to aid digestion and soothing and comforting slippery elm.
Travel Anxiety
Often a common cause - July 10, 2024
Although we ship our products nationwide, Healthful Pets are based in the beautiful county of Cheshire. So whether you are local or planning a visit, we thought we’d share one of our favourite local walks with you...
This walk starts and finishes at a local country, The Plough, a very dog friendly pub, so you can be sure of refreshment after your walk.
This walk takes in The Whitegate Way which 100 years ago was a branch line connecting the Winsford Salt Mines to the main Chester to Manchester line at Cuddington; now it is a gorgeous country path about 7 miles long.
You will also see some of the areas many lakes and meres, farming landscapes, woodland, and streams. It’s a walk for everyone and the scenery is constantly changing, so it doesn’t even seem like a long walk. There aren’t any steep climbs either so it’s suitable for all. We’ve also added an alternative return for those who fancy something a little shorter – the entire walk is about 8.5 miles and the shorter one about 5.