Monthly Archives: February 2019
- February 26, 2019
Dogs need their ears cleaned to ensure good ear hygiene. Read this blog for some tips on what you can do.
All dogs need their ears cleaned regularly to ensure good ear hygiene. If your dog’s ears are neglected, this can lead to a painful inner ear infection and an unhappy pooch.
In fact, ear cleaning is even more important if you have a dog with furry or long and droopy ears where airflow is restricted. This can trap debris and moisture creating a breeding ground for bacteria.
Floppy-eared breeds like Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds and Golden Retrievers, and furry-eared breeds like Miniature Schnauzers and Bishon Frises are more prone to ear infections.
So you should always watch out for excess debris, wax and yeast build up in your dog’s ears, as they can quickly turn into a nasty infection. But the best course of action to keep problems at bay, is to make ear cleaning a part of your dog’s grooming routine. It’s a fool-proof way to keep your pooch happy and their ears healthy.
- February 02, 2019
Animals give us unconditional love. We can implement the following suggestions for a healthier lifestyle to return that love. See how you can improve pet's health through healthy pet foods:
- Ensure the first ingredients listed on pet foods are from high quality animal proteins and not from inferior quality grain based sources.
- Do select proteins from chicken, venison, fish, duck, and rabbit and rotate these to reduce the risk of food intolerances.
- Opt for products that specifically name the protein sources, such as lamb, duck rather than ‘poultry’ or ‘meat’.
- Look for foods containing fresh sources of fruit and vegetables.
- Aim for gluten free/wheat free grains including millet, quinoa, and gluten-free oats.
- Choose grain-free/gluten-free foods, especially if your pet shows signs of food intolerances / sensitivities, such as itchy skin and gastrointestinal problems. We stock a large range of all-natural dog treats. View the range HERE
- Do select dry foods with the least amount of ingredients